ندي و احمد Net Worth & Earnings 2024

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ندي و احمد Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

ندي و احمد is a well-liked Comedy channel on YouTube. It has attracted 7.34 million subscribers. It was based in 2019 and is positioned in Egypt.

One frequent query we hear is: What is ندي و احمد’s net worth or how a lot does ندي و احمد earn? The YouTuber is pretty secretive about earnings. We could make a stable estimate nonetheless.

What is ندي و احمد’s net worth?

ندي و احمد has an estimated net worth of about $28.84 million.

NetWorthSpot.com’s information factors to ندي و احمد’s net worth to be round $28.84 million. Although ندي و احمد’s acutualized net worth is unknown. Our web site’s opinion predicts ندي و احمد’s net worth at $28.84 million, however ندي و احمد’s precise net worth just isn’t publicly reported.

However, some individuals have proposed that ندي و احمد’s net worth would possibly really be way more than that. Considering these extra earnings sources, ندي و احمد might be value nearer to $40.38 million.

How a lot does ندي و احمد earn?

ندي و احمد earns an estimated $7.21 million a yr.

You could also be questioning: How a lot does ندي و احمد earn?

On common, ندي و احمد’s YouTube channel receives 120.17 million views a month, and round 4.01 million views a day.

If a channel is monetized by means of adverts, it earns cash for each thousand video views. On common, YouTube channels earn between $3 to $7 for every one thousand video views. Using these estimates, we will estimate that ندي و احمد earns $480.67 thousand a month, reaching $7.21 million a yr.

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Net Worth Spot could also be utilizing under-reporting ندي و احمد’s income although. If ندي و احمد makes on the upper finish, advert income might herald near $12.98 million a yr.

However, it is uncommon for influencers to depend on a single income. Additional income sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product gross sales and talking gigs might generate way more income than adverts.

What could ندي و احمد buy with $28.84 million?What could ندي و احمد buy with $28.84 million?


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