Stromedy Net Worth & Earnings 2024

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Stromedy Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

The Comedy channel Stromedy has attracted 8.26 million subscribers on YouTube. The channel launched in 2012 and relies in Canada.

There’s one query everyone needs answered: How does Stromedy earn cash? No one past Stromedy really is aware of, that stated, this is what we expect.

What is Stromedy’s net worth?

Stromedy has an estimated net worth of about $14.45 million.

While Stromedy’s actual net worth shouldn’t be publicly reported, references YouTube information to make an estimate of $14.45 million.

However, some individuals have estimated that Stromedy’s net worth would possibly really be greater than that. When we think about many sources of earnings, Stromedy’s net worth could possibly be as excessive as $20.23 million.

How a lot does Stromedy earn?

Stromedy earns an estimated $3.61 million a 12 months.

You could also be considering: How a lot does Stromedy earn?

When we have a look at the previous 30 days, Stromedy’s channel receives 60.21 million views every month and round 2.01 million views every day.

YouTube channels which might be monetized earn income by serving. Monetized YouTube channels could earn $3 to $7 per every one thousand video views. With this information, we predict the Stromedy YouTube channel generates $240.85 thousand in advert income a month and $3.61 million a 12 months.

Our estimate could also be low although. If Stromedy makes on the upper finish, video adverts may herald near $6.5 million a 12 months.

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However, it is unusual for channels to depend on a single income. Additional income sources like sponsorships, affiliate commissions, product gross sales and talking gigs could generate way more income than adverts.

What could Stromedy buy with $14.45 million?What could Stromedy buy with $14.45 million?


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