Stand Up Kompas TV Net Worth & Earnings 2024

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Stand Up Kompas TV Net Worth & Earnings (2024)

Stand Up Kompas TV is a well known YouTube channel protecting Comedy and has attracted 4.1 million subscribers on the platform. The channel launched in 2016 and is predicated in Indonesia.

One frequent query we hear is: What is Stand Up Kompas TV’s net worth or how a lot does Stand Up Kompas TV earn? We can by no means know the precise quantity, however here is our prediction.

What is Stand Up Kompas TV’s net worth?

Stand Up Kompas TV has an estimated net worth of about $923.02 thousand.

While Stand Up Kompas TV’s actual net worth is unverified, our web site pulls YouTube viewership information to make a forecast of $923.02 thousand.

The $923.02 thousand forecast is barely primarily based on YouTube promoting income. In actuality, Stand Up Kompas TV’s net worth may very well be rather more. Considering these further earnings sources, Stand Up Kompas TV could also be price nearer to $1.29 million.

How a lot does Stand Up Kompas TV earn?

Stand Up Kompas TV earns an estimated $230.76 thousand a yr.

You could also be questioning: How a lot does Stand Up Kompas TV earn?

When we take a look at the previous 30 days, Stand Up Kompas TV’s channel attracts 3.85 million views every month and greater than 128.2 thousand views every day.

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If a channel is monetized by means of advertisements, it earns cash for each thousand video views. YouTubers can earn a mean of between $3 to $7 per thousand video views. With this information, we predict the Stand Up Kompas TV YouTube channel generates $15.38 thousand in advert income a month and $230.76 thousand a yr.

Our estimate could also be low although. Optimistically, Stand Up Kompas TV may probably make as much as $415.36 thousand a yr.

Stand Up Kompas TV seemingly has further income sources. Successful YouTubers even have sponsors, and so they may earn extra by selling their very own merchandise. Plus, they may get talking displays.

What could Stand Up Kompas TV buy with $923.02 thousand?What could Stand Up Kompas TV buy with $923.02 thousand?


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